Matt Frumin best on growth; Silverman, Settles follow

Residents who voted on the fourth question for Let’s Choose DC, on how DC can accommodate the growth it needs, liked Matt Frumin’s answer the most. Elissa Silverman and John Settles also got high marks.

79% of readers gave positive ratings to Matt Frumin. He talked about building mixed-use developments on commercial corridors and near Metro stations, and mentioned the need to let homeowners rent out spaces in their houses as accessory dwellings.

Frumin also emphasized how we need housing affordable for people at various income levels to keep neighborhoods desirable and diverse, and also talked about the importance of schools, which is one of the major touchpoints of his campaign.

Silverman discussed affordable housing as well, with specific ideas about how to shore up the finances for those programs. She also talked about the need to expand transit service and grow “without turning our streets into gridlock or a game of Frogger for pedestrians and bicyclists.” 64% of readers rated her response positively.

Unfortunately, Patrick Mara did not decide to participate in this question, nor did Michael Brown or Anita Bonds. (Mara and Brown did submit answers to the following question, on the surplus.) You can vote on that question until midnight Monday.

This is now the fourth question with results. Elissa Silverman placed first in the first one, with Matt Frumin second. Silverman, Frumin, and John Settles were all very close on #2 and #3, and on this one, Frumin got a clear first and Silverman second. Overall, the voting on Let’s Choose DC seems to put the two of them close together for the top spot, with John Settles decidedly in the hunt as well.