Mean streets: Tragic tracks this week

Photo by Telstar Logistics.

Last week was a tragic one for Metro, with two suicides. A man jumped in front of a Red Line train at Gallery Place and a 15 year-old committed suicide at the Columbia Heights station. Since these events, Metro has partnered with suicide-prevention groups to train station staff to identify and help those in distress. While speaking openly about what can be done to curb suicide is essential, tabloid coverage that sensationalizes this sensitive topic only serves to entice others to kill themselves. In fact, the introduction of guidelines for press coverage of subway suicides in Austria “resulted in a reduction in sensationalist reporting of these suicides and, in turn, a 75% decrease in the rate of subway suicides and a 20% decrease in the overall suicide rate,” according to a study cited by the WHO’s suicide coverage resource for media professionals.

The week of September 13 to 19, 2009

On the roads: 13 injuries, 3 fatalities

On the rails: 0 injuries, 2 fatalities (suicides)

Of interest:

The full list of last week’s crashes:

Crime by car:


Following up: