Fairfax still suburbanizing Old Town

Downtown Fairfax doesn’t need more of this.

Instead of condominiums, Fairfax City is poised to move forward with a suburban townhouse development in Old Town. Residential development on the lot formerly occupied by the city library has long been part of Fairfax’s plans for a lively downtown with more feet on the street outside lunch hour. Walnut Street Development had received approval to build 80 condominium units, but then backed out as the condo market soured. In April 2009 the city issued a new Request for Proposals for the site. RFP guidelines included a minimum size of 2,500 square feet per residential unit and minimum parking of 2-2.33 spaces per unit.

The winning development proposal did a good job of fitting within the framework of the RFP. “Madison Mews” will put 26 homes and 64 parking spaces on the lot, a major downscaling of the original plan. Instead of connecting pedestrians and bicyclists to downtown Fairfax, the development will dead-end and have only one entry and exit point on the opposite end. It’s designed to make it easy for residents to drive out of downtown and get on I-66. It doesn’t encourage residents to walk or bicycle to Old Town destinations, even though they will be a five-minute walk away.

Several people at the Tuesday meeting expressed dismay with the plan. “If you want to keep downtown sick, this is the way to kill it,” one resident remarked. To survive and thrive, local businesses need more residents who are looking for a more urban environment, one local landowner observed. “The density is grossly inadequate to revitalize downtown.”

Unfortunately, the proposal fits within current zoning. The next step is a site plan. The city could at least incrementally improve the project by requiring the developer to provide pedestrian and bicycle access on the southern edge of the development facing downtown.