Live chat with Councilmember Jim Graham

Welcome to our a live chat with Jim Graham, Ward 1 DC Councilmember and Chairman of the Metro Board of Directors. Feel free to settle in early and start posting your questions. We’ll start the discussion at noon.

Mr. Graham looks forward to taking your questions. Please keep in mind that Mr. Graham is chatting live with us as our guest; he doesn’t have to come and spend his time with us. Please take the time to write sincere questions that ask Mr. Graham about a topic you’re genuinely interested to hear his views on, rather than trying to “gotcha” him. If you are frustrated with something, please state your frustrations clearly then try to ask a productive question. If you just want to rant, please email We’re told that Mr. Graham reads every email he gets (and responds personally to a lot of them!)

Live chat with Councilmember Jim Graham(03/25/2009)
GreaterGreaterWashington: Hello and welcome to Greater Greater Washington’s live chat session. Thank you all for joining us.

Today we have as our guest Jim Graham, DC Councilmember for Ward 1, Chairman of the Public Works and Transportation Committee and the Chairman of the WMATA (Metro) Board of Directors.

We’ll be starting in just a few minutes at 12 noon, but in the meantime please feel free to submit your comments or questions.

Michael Perkins: Alright, looks like everyone’s here. Chairman Graham, welcome to Greater Greater Washington and thanks for joining us.
Jim Graham: Hi I am Jim Graham, signed in. Thanks for the invite!
Michael Perkins: Glad you could make it.
[Comment From Michael Perkins]

Mr. Graham, thanks for taking the time to chat with us. First, let’s talk about Metro. What do you think is a good long-term strategy to address Metro’s funding issues? Are we looking at a long-term gap in funding or is this a short-term problem?

Michael Perkins: And we have another question on Metro funding that’s related.

[Comment From Michael Perkins]

Many people are concerned that using the stimulus money fixes the current budget problem but just puts Metro in a bigger hole next year. Not only does it still have to make up the same or larger budget gap, but it’s deferred some important maintenance. If the Board votes to use stimulus money, how can we pay it back next year? Do you think that priority bus corridors or a more efficient bus system could craete the savings we need?”

Jim Graham: There are several godo answers—dedicated funding, from the Feds joined by the local govts
Jim Graham: thta will produce $3 billion over 10years
Michael Perkins: Are there any prospects for increasing this dedicated funding beyond the $3B? I thought Metro had about $11B in long-term capital needs over that timeframe?

Jim Graham: Actually no, unless the Fed law is amended and the locals agree
Michael Perkins: I see. What about making our buses more efficient with dedicated lanes or express corridors?
Jim Graham: Agreed. rapid bus, limited stop, express—all are solid optins. We are abot to start such a service on 16th St (next week), and the old N@@ is going to be limited stop as well. Ihave some qustions about the dedicated lanes. Without enfrocement thye don’t work, and are hazardous for right turns…e.g. 9th and E
Michael Perkins: Are WMATA and DDOT working together adequately on enforcement and other issues?
Jim Graham: It has he pormise of being better with hte new director who hopefully will will soon confirm…but as everyone knows, we have very very little traffic enforcment in DC under any circumstance
[Comment From InArlington]

With Metro’s Dulles extension is now underway, there has been more talk about extending the Orange line further and pushing the Green line to BWI. And with Congressional support these projects may indeed happen in the not too distant future. But what about the District? Is it being left out?

Jim Graham: Yes I think so. The historic prupose of Metro has been to bring peopel to work in the AM and take them home at night. but DC is paying 39% of the freight….there are thimgs we can do in DC for DC. For ex, I led the effort to extend the Yellow line ot Ft Totten thru Col Hts. And then extended weekend hours…
Michael Perkins: A lot of riders thank you for that. I understand that DC paid for the yellow line extension originally but it’s been successful enough that it’s regionally funded now?
Jim Graham: True
[Comment From DC]

Is Metro still planning to use stimulus money to balance the budget? If so, how will we make sure that we don’t end up in the same hole again next year, but this time with even more deferred maintenance? Can we use the money now, but find more efficiencies this year to “pay it back”?

Jim Graham: 1st, please udnestand that Metro has a porject ten year 11 billion shortfall in terms of capital meeds. Even if metro matters (expiring in 2010) gets extended, and dedicated funding is plut into place, there is still a $4 billion porjected shortfall. $29 million is thus put into context…I wold prefer the stimulus money use to reduciton in services, even tho DC has now come up with some relatively painless ideas in that regard.
[Comment From Michael Perkins]

“Metro recently shut down public access to NextBus even though it was working well. That deprives riders of the chance to not only benefit, but give feedback that could improve the service. Likewise, they released a new Web site without showing it to anyone outside, and now can’t really change much as the contract has ended. Good organizations take a more iterative approach to technology, launching something, getting public feedback, then improving it, rather than keeping the covers on until the last minute. How do we help Metro adopt better IT practices?”

Jim Graham: IT wasn’t perhaps the best approach…but what matters is that this service will be operational (the GM tells us) by June. It will make a huge difference
Michael Perkins: We agree and we’re looking forward to seeing Nextbus working.
Jim Graham: Yep
Michael Perkins: How do we encourage other IT projects to have a lot of support and feedback from the riding community?

Jim Graham: I have faith in the Riders Adv Council, and I have expanded their role so that the membrs can participate at Metro cte mtgs
Michael Perkins: Didn’t know that. Will they be asked to provide public comment?
Jim Graham: Yes at the discretion of the cte chair. I want to encourage that.
Michael Perkins: Will members of the general public be allowed the same privilege at the chair’s discretion?
Jim Graham: The rules don’t as yet porvide for that…but you raise an imrpotant issue—the extent to which Metro uses mroe of a public hearikng format, such as what I am familiar with as a DC Councilmember
Michael Perkins: OK. There’s a lot of questions here about streetcars.
[Comment From Michael Perkins]

“What do you think about the restrictions against overhead wires in the L’Enfant City? Do you think we can persuade NCPC to relax their opposition? Do you know if DC thinks there’s any promise in any more innovative power systems?”

Jim Graham: Sorry about my typing, I am tring to respond quickly
Michael Perkins: That’s ok, it’s harder than talking, that’s for sure.
Jim Graham: Right now the Fenty Admin is working on that issue, I get various reports…It looks like it may not be a hurdle for H St
Michael Perkins: Meaning that overhead wires will be OK? or that some alternative technology can be used…
Jim Graham: Yes. I understand that the existing technology is not yet very advanced….the batteries have all sorts of porblems.
[Comment From Geoff Hatchard]

I’m concerned about the planning for streetcars. Is this something that WMATA will be paying for, or is it a DC expense? Either way, as a member of both the WMATA board and the council, I was hoping you could address the propulsion system for what gets built. We all know about the ban on overhead wires in the L’Enfant city. Is anyone working on getting that overturned, or getting a guaranteed underground power source tested and ready to go? I don’t want to see us all holding the bag if we have everything else ready to go and no one has put in the time to make sure this issue is rock-solid settled.

Michael Perkins: This question is about how streetcars will be funded. Who’s responsible for the project now?

Jim Graham: AT present its all DC dollars.
[Comment From InArlington]

Bombardier has recently a streetcar system that does not require overhead wires, but it unproven and likely more expensive. But it’s an option to be considered. Are you aware of this?

Jim Graham: Yes. But I agree with your first sentence
[Comment From Guest]

First thanks for the yellow extension to Ft. totten. i use it. Second thanks for the Whitman and Ethelbert poem inscriptions at the Dupont north exit. I love those. i was in dc when you headed Whitman-Walker and your public health work is very appreciated. i was a W.W. volunteer during that time. I sent a GGW a question to ask you in anticipation of this chat regarding public health and the built environment. my hope is that you’ll employ passion of prevention to that topic as well. My real question right now though is -Did you see the photo of the bike rack on the tram in GGW this morning? Do you think metro could employ some device like that so we can bike-train-bike during peak-the actual times most of come and go to work?

Michael Perkins: The question that the commenter is mentioning concerns the impact of walkable neighborhoods on health issues like diabetes, heart disease and obesity. How can DC improve walkable development to improve resident’s health?
Jim Graham: Thanks for your good support. I am very proud of the WHitman/WWC caregiver memorial at Dupont Circle. It is a splendid piece of publci art. Sorry I did not see it.
[Comment From Guest]

Can you give us any update on the new 14th Street Circulator route, when it will be starting, what stops they are looking to put in?

Jim Graham: We are doing wquite alot in that regard. I am pleased woith how DC is going ot use a lot of stimulus money…a huge expansion of teh smart bike porgram, for ex…there is also $1.5 million that I had authored in FY09 for pedestrain and bike safety back in the FY10 budget (it had been cut last Fall).
Jim Graham: Yes, its very exiciting. the new Adams Morgan DC circulator route will start on 4/3. Next MOnday (3/30) will be the start of the new 16th St epxress bus route. I have been very engaged in both expansins.
Jim Graham: The DC Circulator te will be limigted stop as well.
Michael Perkins: I don’t know whether DDOT has any information up about the new routes.
Michael Perkins: I wanted to ask about parking.

[Comment From AKM]

I am outraged to see that there is $2 milion in the mayor’s budget set aside for parking at DCUSA. The District is cutting back on services, firing city workers, and charging new fees for streetlights. With all of that, how can the mayor justify $2 million for this parking albatross? Will Councilmember Graham be supporting this?

Jim Graham: I am sure they do. It happens next week. the new Circulator route runs from Woodley Pk to A-M then to MP?Col Hts retail, down 14th St, stoping at U and Logan Circle, then to McPherson.
Jim Graham: I am looking into thsi add’l subsidy for the garage. I would hope hat by leasing some of this unused space, we can avoid the need for this.
Michael Perkins: Would you support extending performance parking to other areas in the District?
Jim Graham: In hindsight, we did not need a 1000 car garage, but the retailers wold not have come without it.
Michael Perkins: It’s hard to take that decision back once the garage is constructed.
Jim Graham: Yes, I have a bill now in extending it to all of Ward 1. I am opne to exapnsion from there…
Michael Perkins: Should DC change their rules to discourage building so much parking?
Jim Graham: Yes, very hard to deconstruct agarage
[Comment From Guest]

Any impending use of TIF funds to attract local business to places that are currently retail-starved like Mt Pleasant, Petworth, Ledroit/Bloomingdale, and Shaw? I hear about it for larger projects, but not smaller ones.

Jim Graham: That is actually happening… but the large garage had noghing to do with DC law or rules. It had to do with an assurance demanded by the retailers. On the otehr hand, the retail center is a major econ driver right now.
Jim Graham: TIF will be used for Ward 7 retail development. TIFs don’t work very well with small porjects, as there is not the revenue to support them…
[Comment From Jazzy]

Without using the word NIMBY (I know you wouldn’t anyway!) can you please give us an update on the Mt Pleasant library renovations and the dedicated funds related to it?

Jim Graham: Yes, tonight I do with community leaders to the LIbrary Board of Directors to present the community reaction to the porposed expansion.
Michael Perkins: Is there more information about that meeting on your webpage?

[Comment From InArlington]

Many people don’t like buses and avoid them like the plague, despite how spiffy they might be. Can this be surmounted?

Jim Graham: The recommendaton is, rehab within existing walls. No to the glass cube proposed expansion. We can get it up on the website. Mtg is at 6:30 PM at 3307 M St, the interim locatin of the Geo Library
Jim Graham: I think the limited stop buses are oevrcoming a lot of this. The look and feel of the Circulator (even though they are deisel, ugh) is also atractuing riders who might otherwise not baord a bus. Its a huge hurdle
Michael Perkins: I’ve had people comment that they like the Circulator a lot.
[Comment From SK]

Has Metro considered reducing the number of escalators in operation to 1 up and 1 down for the stations that have 2 escalators running in one or both directions.

Jim Graham: Yes, but its farebox return is generally not as good as WMATA
Jim Graham: No reduction in escalator service has been mentioned
[Comment From Arch, Fairfax, VA]

Mr. Graham, I have noticed over the last few years that metro stations and metrocars do not have enough advertising. Is there a reason why there is a lack of posters that could generate thousands of dollars for the system?

Jim Graham: WE are well on our way to changing that…tehre will be more advertising. Some don’t like that prospect.
[Comment From Christine]

Mr. Graham, thank you for your continuing work in our neighborhood and for sharing your time this afternoon. In watching the news last night, I learned of Mayor Fenty’s proposal to charge residents to power street lights. Considering the level of crime we experience, it is an understatement to say that I am appalled. Ironically, that story was followed by an ongoing one about gross misuse of funds—specifically, the district youth who were paid last summer for doing no work whatsoever. I know that you have taken the crime issue very seriously. Would you please share your thoughts on this proposal?

Jim Graham: Thanks for your support. Its going to be tough sledding for teh streetlight fee. But then, we need to plug the hole thta lifting that piece of the budget puzzle will create…
[Comment From Geoff Hatchard]

serious question—advertising on buses is dramatically underutilized. i see ads in the overhead spaces on buses that are 15 months old, advertising events that have long-since ended. is there a way you can have a heart-to-heart with the ad sales people at WMATA and tell them to step it up with regards to buses. i’m sure advertisers would love to have all those eyeballs…

Jim Graham: I am surprized to hear that. I will ask the GM about that whne we are done here. You can email me for follow up at
Michael Perkins: There’s a lot of questions in the list about a second Rosslyn tunnel or a second East-west Metro route.
[Comment From Charles Carson]

GGW and other websites have published a lot of “fantasy maps.” Are you sharing any of these fantasies with WMATA? Is there any chance of adding additional heavy-rail lines inside the district (such as re-routing the blue line to Georgetown and across M St)?

Jim Graham: Heavy rail will only happen in the near future with substantial Fed subsidy…probably not likely till rail to Dulles is completed.
Michael Perkins: Recently in the Washington post it was reported that not many Metro Board members and management ride the system. Do you think it’s important for board members and members of WMATA management to regularly ride transit?
Jim Graham: Georgetown is complicated porbably by the insistence fo a tunnel. Why can’t we imporve rapid bus?
Jim Graham: Yes I think so. ALthough—for example— I have no kids in DC schools, but I particpate in school decsions. There are countless more examples. All the same, there is both a susbtantive and symbolic purpose in riding. Lilke many others, I will be attracted away from the auto by attractive transit service…Like the upcoming bus imporvemtns impacting Ward 1…
Michael Perkins: Such as the Circulator and new express service on 16th?
Jim Graham: Exactly
[Comment From Jazzy]

My question has to do with the leadership coming up behind you, something that has concerned me for some time in the ward. Anticipating that you can’t keep running for the next 16 years, is enough being done in the ward to foster responsible leaders who will not only have innovative ideas, but be willing to put down roots and demonstrate responsible, wise, and practical leadership? I’ve mostly been impressed with your leadership. Thanks.

Jim Graham: Thanks for your suport. I am running for re election next year.
[Comment From Tom Metcalf]

Mr. Graham—There was lots of coverage in the media about Metrorail on inauguration day, but Metro also ran lots of special bus trips. How well do you think the inauguration-day special bus service performed?

Jim Graham: It was superb. DC never looked as good as we did on that day. And Metro played a critical role in that rsult
[Comment From From DC]

First, thanks for resisting the MD/VA push for higher fares to fill the $29 million FY’10 gap. It seems that DC and MD can produce their “dedicated funding” shares to get the matching Federal funds for capital purposes. Do you have any assurances that VA will provide its share soon so the Fed funds won’t be delayed in the FY’10 fiscal year appropriation.

Jim Graham:

Thanks for your support on that. We don’t need a fare hike proposal. I am not sure about the dedicated funding…I am concerned hat in our Mayor’s FY10 budget (just delivered) our share has been dropped for next year…on the stated assumption that it won’t be needed until FY11…possibly very true

Michael Perkins: On the other hand, there are other commenters asking why you don’t support a fare increase to improve WMATA’s budget situation. Any thoughts on that?
Jim Graham: We just had one. I think we can work within our current budget strategy.
Michael Perkins: It’s a pointed question but I’ll ask it:

[Comment From InArlington]

In regards to the budget gap, what about a wage freeze for all WMATA employees?

Jim Graham: That is a function of labor agreements in substantial part. Right now we are in arbitration with our major union n these and related issues.
[Comment From InArlington]

If WMATA budget woes continue and service levels deteriorate, can you see a movement to Federalize the system, like was done with the DC prison system?

Jim Graham:

ANything can I happen I suppose, but I think we are doing very well under trying circumstances. we shluld be very proud of our system, it may be the best in the nation

Michael Perkins: To put it in context, NYC is considering about a 20% fare increase and a cut in service.
[Comment From Michael Perkins]

Are there any improvements you’d like to see in the ANC system?

Jim Graham: ANC? Adv Neighbrhood Comm?
Michael Perkins: Yes.
Michael Perkins: More authority? More funding for the commissioners to provide neighborhood improvements?
Jim Graham: I think we need to have a look at the boudnaries themselvs but that will occur afetr the FY10 census.
Michael Perkins: Here’s a comment from Matthew asking for your help in getting more information about the Circulator posted:
[Comment From Matthew]

The DC Circulator does not have any information on the new route from Woodley Park -> AM - CH , nor on the N22 replacement. If it is to be up and running in a few days, could it be possible to get this information for us?

Jim Graham:

I am sometimes bothered by the fact that many ANCs do not appear to be able tospend the money they have, and a running laarge bank accounts. The money shoudl be spent wisely, but it should go out to community needs

Michael Perkins: This will be the last question.
[Comment From SG]

How can we change the “can’t do” and “anti-entreprenuer” approach that exists within numerous publicly funded local entities: WASA, DCRA, WMATA, etc? Many people have had very negative experiences with these groups, when in reality these organizations should be at the beck and call of their “customers.” Is there any push to make such organizations (esp DCRA) more directly accountable to taxpayers and users who fund their budgets?

Jim Graham: Yes, I will speak to the ciculator after thsi ends. Follow up at
Jim Graham: Good point. Its a slow process to make such agencies more customer friendly, but the porcess is happenng. I have huge change at DMV for example. But let me say we sjhlud be proiud of the working men and women who, again under tough conditions do very well. Would anyof us want to be parkign control officers in dwtn DC?
Michael Perkins: Probably not. Mr. Graham, thanks for taking the time to chat with us today. Look forward to seeing how WMATA will close the budget gap tomorrow.
Jim Graham:

Very nice. Thanks so much Bye

Michael Perkins: Thanks to everyone for providing comments and questions.
Michael Perkins: David?
GreaterGreaterWashington: Thanks Councilmember Graham, and thanks to everyone who participated!
GreaterGreaterWashington: Sorry we couldn’t get to every question, but we seem to have covered a lot of ground.
GreaterGreaterWashington: Feel free to continue the conversation in the comments.
GreaterGreaterWashington: Our guest next week will be a colleague of Mr. Graham’s: Councilmember Kwame Brown (at-large), who heads the Economic Development Committee. That’ll be at 2 pm on Tuesday.