Help choose DC’s delegates to the Democratic convention

Photo by kellydelay on Flickr.

On Saturday, registered Democrats in DC have the opportunity to elect 14 delegates to send to Charlotte, North Carolina in September for the Democratic National Convention.

There are 92 people running for the slots. Residents of Wards 3, 4, 5, and 7 (the wards along DC’s northern border) vote for one set of delegates, while residents of the other wards vote for a different set.

People can vote at UDC’s building 46E, between 10 am and 2 pm on Saturday. Here’s a map of where to go.

Among the recognizable names are Greater Greater Washington editor Jaime Fearer, who lives in Ward 5, and contributor and Ward 7 transportation expert Veronica Davis. We’ve periodically written about some of the good work of current or former ANC commissioners like Sylvia Brown (Ward 7) and Brianne Nadeau (Ward 1), and former youth mayor Markus Batchelor.

Fearer and Brown are both part of the “51st State for Obama” slate. A number of candidates have formed slates, though slates have no official standing, and anyone is free to vote for whomever they like.

There are a few particularly recognizable names, but ones which voters should be wary of choosing: Councilmembers Marion Barry (Ward 8) and Jack Evans (Ward 2). They made some news yesterday with a controversial plan to bus supporters to the caucus.

There are delegate slots reserved specifically for elected officials, but these 3 councilmembers are also running against the masses, likely hoping to get into the convention without a fight over those other slots. Evans has been a delegate at all but one convention since 1992 and Barry is no stranger to the event.

Chuck Thies points out that sending Barry, in particular, creates a real danger of some sort of scandal distracting press coverage of the convention. That would remind national viewers of a side of DC that most residents would prefer not to emphasize, at a time when DC has so many positive aspects the delegates can highlight.

The national party conventions are a unique event that will surely be a thrill for those selected to attend. They will also provide a rare opportunity to tell DC’s story and argue for full representation to engaged activists from around the country.