Blogging is a powerful way to share what you know. On Thursday, June 23rd at 2001 L Street NW, we’ll train you to write blog posts that effectively and persuasively share your ideas with the world.

The session is from 6:30-8:30, in room 222. The goal is to help you expand your writing skills by teaching you what works and what doesn’t in blogging! Here’s some of what we’ll cover:

  • Three fundamentals that any blog post should have
  • How to pick a topic and write an introduction that will grab readers’ attention
  • The strengths and weaknesses of a sample GGWash post

We’ll also have plenty of time to answer your questions.

If you want to attend, please let us know via this form.

We plan to host more of these sessions all around the region, so don’t worry if you can’t make it to this one. Also, let us know if you’d like to host a session; we’d love to come to your neighborhood or group!

Jonathan Neeley was Greater Greater Washington's staff editor from 2014-2017. He gets most everywhere by bike (or Metro when it's super nasty out), thinks the way planning decisions shape our lives is fascinating, and plays a whole lot of ultimate. He lives in Brookland.