Do you enjoy our Friday photography posts? Would you like to get more involved? We’re looking for a new photo curator to take over the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool, and possibly help us get started on Instagram.

Connecticut Ave. near Farragut Square. Photo by ctj71081.

Curating the Flickr pool and choosing each week’s photos is really fun, especially if you have a flair for photography, or really love Instagram! As a photographer myself, I’ve loved curating the pool, but it’s time for someone new!

If you’re interested, shoot me an email at Thank you so much to everyone who has reached out with interest in taking over as photo curator! (So many people!) If you’re interested but hadn’t reached out yet, we’d love for you to get involved in another way, either by contributing your own photos to the Flickr pool, by writing for us, or if you’re interested in helping out with future events and other non-writing parts of the GGW community, stay tuned as we have a few opportunities to share in the coming weeks. Thanks again!

Mosaic District - Merrifield, VA. Photo by Maryland Route 5.

T Street NW. Photo by Joe in DC.

Capital Crescent Trail. Photo by Joe in DC.

DC Park Police near Farragut North. Photo by Erin on Flickr.

Got a picture that depicts the best or worst of the Washington region? Make sure to join our Flickr pool and submit your own photos!