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ArlingtonFlyer on December 10, 2018 at 3:26 pm

"Are you arguing that keeping the existing anti-density policies are going to help with affordability?"

I'm arguing that increases in density won't have that much of an impact to the poor and middle class. They still won't be able to afford the urban core. Even if townhome prices dropped by 10% in Arlington, most of the poor/middle class won't be able to afford them.

Density isn't the silver bullet many on GGW think it is. 

"In an anti-GGW world, you're condemning *more* people to that long, expensive commute."

Except that long, expensive commutes are the hallmark of large, urban dense places. The transport mode may be different but average commute times in London (which is more dense and has a vastly better transit network) are similar to DC. And London isn't known for it's affordability...most of the poor and middle class are pushed to the outskirts. Congestion pricing hasn't done much to help them despite all the self-congratulations from those in GGW-type circles.

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