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Alex B. on September 21, 2018 at 12:58 pm
Reston's station areas (the op-ed never covered all of Reston) at a planned 55,000 to 75,000 per sq. mile will be 2 to 3 times as dense as all NYC and more dense than all of the boroughs except Manhattan by quite a bit. 

A bit misleading to compare a very small portion of one area (Reston's station areas) to an average density of an entire city or a borough, no? 

Try to find a Manhattan census tract that is less dense than 55,000 people per square mile. There are quite a few of them, but you'll note they're full of office buildings. Even the low-rise Greenwich Village tracts are still ~60,000 people per square mile:

In fact, plopping down a census tract of 55,000 people per sq mile in Manhattan would make it one of the least dense residential neighborhoods on the island. 

When you make an apples to apples comparison (census tract to census tract), the level of density proposed for Reston is quite reasonable. 

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