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Art Blankenburger on June 18, 2018 at 5:25 pm

This is a very well written article.  It calls to mind a small core of folks has been feverishly fighting an Annapolis development (that's right, it's in the city limits - and was annexed by the City in the last century for the explicit purpose of..... (drumroll.....) development (!!!!), and the opponents gleefully call it "sprawl."  Though it is surrounded by tens of thousands of people.  They'd prefer this development put somewhere less sprawly, such as a farm in Howard County or a forest in southern Anne Arundel County.    I can't make much sense of it.  Though I understand why they oppose it, I wouldn't want it in my back yard, either.   Especially if my back yard was a previously bulldozed forest on a beautiful Annapolis waterway. 

And to the well made point of this article, and those Annapolis anti-growth folks, if the city regulations were clearer and more transparent, there probably would have been a lot less controversy in the first place.  The developer would have known what was realistically possible on the land, and the anti's would know where they could honestly push (ie total # of units) and where they couldn't (ie forest clearing). 

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