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DavidC on January 19, 2018 at 6:54 am

I think you hit on why neither side of PA Ave doesn't always have to be dead.  What if we made one side into "parking day" every day? 

1. Take out a lane of traffic and create a bunch of food truck/vendor/public spaces. 

2. Move the trucks out of the road on south 15th to allow the bike lane to be extended south. 

3. Each block on PA would have some place for food trucks and vendors in the middle and then blocked off seating on the ends (so that eaters have views), sort of like what one finds on Broadway in NYC. 

4. You could also allow buskers there - and perhaps other arts and music later at night, as well as alcohol sales. 

5. Allow some space that can be reserved by advocacy groups to interact with visitors and residents.  

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