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Ninety-Five on April 25, 2017 at 1:21 pm

This is a step in the right direction, but Alexandria still has a long way to go. Thankfully, most drivers I encounter while biking everyday from King Street to North Oldtown are actually very nice. I've but run-around so they can ahead, but I've never been honked at or flipped off here, as is the case in some other places.

I think the simple fact that 99% of corners in Oldtown are Traffic Lights or Stop signs really help a bicyclist out if you follow the Idaho law (which is not technically legal in VA- I believe). I would love to see more protected cycle tracks between the metro stations to at least Royal St. and then preferably a bike boulevard or cycle track between Prince and at Least Pendleton or Wythe on Royal. Realistically there aren't a lot of great N/S Options through Oldtown, The MV trail kind of ends at Pendleton St. and People are not too Keen to Share the section of the MV trail between North Oldtown and Pendleton- I've actually been yelled at for using it on bike share more than once. In addition to that, for some reason people think its illegal to bike on sidewalks everywhere in Oldtown[?] and that's just not the case. The City's own website states that's only true for a 2 block section of Union around King Street.

That being said the [relatively] flat terrain and slow traffic on side streets thanks to a plethora of stop signs (that I loathe while driving but love while I'm biking)  really do make it easier to bike [IMO] than a lot of neighborhoods in DC or Arlington.

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