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RL3 on April 25, 2017 at 9:32 am

There is a human aspect to this that many people either can't or won't comprehend and to just say "while I understand" does not convey an understanding how families are devestated by the lack and planning, understanding of construction and development economics and long term growth of projects by elected officials on all levels.  The developer has done what is legally required and has been cooperative with the ANC.  Like one commenter said these are ill-directed sentiments to the developer.  Over regulation results in added building cost and it would make building more affordable units attractive if these processes were streamlined and cost were reduced on the front end as well as increased density.  The city is responsible not personal property owners, for providing philanthropic proportions of housing to those in need.  Regardless of the amount of personal property they own.  Gentrification is real so get over the guilt, if you move here you will be a gentrifier,regardless of your race, you are participating in a generational shift in the socioeconomic and demographic of this neighborhood.  All you can do is responsibility integrate yourself into the community by not trying to change every aspect of culture but embracing what's there and adding things that are compatible with the community's DNA.

That was a lot... either way those are my thoughts.

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