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Damon on January 18, 2017 at 5:19 pm

I am not sure realtor's as a class of consultants add, or can add to the place to make it better unless they are individually putting their own investment dollars into a property, which I have seen a few do.

As a class, they are nothing more than exorbitant rent seekers, looking for the largest commission for the least amount of work. All realtors are aspiring to be that guy who sells SFD's in Cleveland Park, or Row Homes on Cap Hill, or Condo's in the West End where they are guaranteed quick $30,000 commissions on 1 million dollar properties that sell in a matter of days,  rather than  100K gut jobs with $3,000 commissions in transitional neighborhoods that take months to sell.

So while the "most" good a realtor could do would be to steer all their clients to rougher neighborhoods in dire need of investment dollars, that isn't generally what is also good for the individual realtor looking to make a living.

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